Extraordinary Opportunities.
Exceptional Outcomes.

We empower schools to create welcoming and effective communities
that enable ALL students to achieve their fullest potential.

About us

At SELF, we believe in all students, leaders, and the teachers who make all the difference in the world. We are powered by our goals because we clearly and confidently visualize an educational system where ALL students are celebrated, treated with dignity, and their strengths are leveraged to empower authentic and individualized learning.

Leader Fellowships

Powerful Impact. Maximized Student Success.

Teacher Development

Authentic Professional Development. Expert, Effective Teachers

School Support

Specialized Staff Training. Increased School Outcomes.

Customized Support 

Customized Staff Support. Increased School Outcomes. 

2022 - 2023 SELF Impact

99% satisfaction rate

Over 700 hours of professional development delivered

Over 350 PDs, Workshops, and PLCs

Over 1000 participants across 7 states